Right Theology Forum
Echoing the Truth,
Edifying the Pews and
Exposing the Error.
RTF believes in the Truth of God as revealed in Creation, Revelation (Bible) and Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ and Salvation only thru Jesus Christ by the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.
RTF believes that the Bible is the final authority over all matters of faith and conduct and calls for right interpretation in complete adherence to the Apostles' teaching and faith.
RTF believes in the immanent, physical Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the eternal Kingdom of God.
RTF believes in the Universal Church whose foundation is Christ as revealed in the Bible alone.
RTF declares the five solas of the Reformation, include Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Solus Christus (Christ alone), Sola Fide (faith alone), Sola Gratia (grace alone), and Soli Deo Gloria (glory to God alone). RTF follows the slogan, In Essentials Unity, In non-essentials Liberty, In all things Charity (Love).